
Hi, I'm Tomasz

I'm a professional C++ software engineer with over a decade of hands on development experience with variety of technologies (mostly Linux & embedded systems). This is my blog.

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Profiling and code instrumentation

I’ve recently watched a video from TheCherno about visual benchmarking. In short, he’s using a simple timer class in C++ to collect execution timings of his code and then generate a json file containing profiling data which can be visualised using chrome tracing. He’s using a set of macros to automatically get function names when instrumenting the code. This gave me an idea to actually use gcc instrumentation to inject the timers globally into the entire program and collect the data without having to manually instrument the code.

Modern C sucks and you should definitely NOT embrase it

I’ve recently stumbled upon an article about a “modern” C development environment. It caught my attention; sounds like a good read and potentially a way to learn something new and refresh the good old rusty C skills, so I thought. Unfortunately, it was quite to the contrary, leaving a bitter taste at the end. There’s a lot of stuff I disagree with and frankly some that should be killed with a shovel and buried deep in the ground before it spreads like a disease and make C development even more miserable than it already is.

I've tried CMake with Conan and I really liked it

As it’s probably obvious by now, I’m not a fan of CMake. I don’t like the weird syntax, the verbosity of the language, the flawed concept of multistage build system generation and external dependency management which seems like an after thought. I can’t deny though, that CMake is very popular and has a lot of traction so, it’s the necessary evil until we all, as an industry, decide on some other solution.

Creating super projects with CMake's ExternalProject

Some time ago, I wrote a piece about CMake. It was more of a rant, written in the heat of the moment, after being frustrated by some of CMake’s idiosyncrasies. Ironically, it has become one of the most read posts on this blog, which is a bit disappointing. I would like to believe that there are far more interesting and useful posts available here but it is what it is.

#6 WebAssembly and C++: Bridging native code and asynchronous JavaScript

This post is part of a WebAssembly series focused on WASM and C++. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding of how WebAssembly works, how to use it as a compilation target for C++ code and hopefully have fun along the way. So, stick with me for this exciting journey. Recap In the previous post, I’ve compiled Lua interpreter to WASM using emscripten and successfully run it using node. There was a problem running the same code in the browser as blocking IO is not possible.

#5 WebAssembly and C++: Porting Lua to WebAssembly

This post is part of a WebAssembly series focused on WASM and C++. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding of how WebAssembly works, how to use it as a compilation target for C++ code and hopefully have fun along the way. So, stick with me for this exciting journey. Recap In the previous instalment of this series, we’ve learned that WASI is an interface enabling exposure of system APIs to WASM modules.

Using binfmt_misc and docker for multi-platform builds

In this post I’m gonna discuss how to use binfmt_misc to build and run non-native docker images that you can build on your PC and deploy to your target machine like e.g. raspberry pi. What’s binfmt_misc? binfmt_misc stands for miscellaneous binary formats and in short, it allows to run non-native binaries (through the help of a format associated interpreter) on the host system just as they were native. Support Support in the kernel is available since version 2.